<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/86c60d34-3c7f-4292-9ce3-f1607414eb39/Stefanos.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/86c60d34-3c7f-4292-9ce3-f1607414eb39/Stefanos.png" width="40px" /> Created by Stefanos Karakasis | 🔨 All View All My Templates | 💪🏽 Team Strategy OS (New) | ****Follow Me on LinkedIn


<aside> 👉 Keep all of your 1:1 meeting notes in one place and position yourself for a promotion. Use the email templates to guide your communication.

Email Templates



Getting the most out of your 1:1

Follow these steps Why?
Send your manager an Pre-read update on current tasks/ projects at least a day before the meeting & agenda for check-in. Prevents turning the meeting into task updates only. This ensures efficiency and makes better use of everyone’s time.
Ask what is top of mind for your manager + any questions from your email. Any changes to priorities & updates relevant to your role. Put the other person first. Get their itch out of the way. Helps them be fully present and it clears their mind so they can focus on you.
Go over questions you may have + help that you need. Concerns/ blockers? What is top of mind for you? Opportunity to bring up anything that wasn’t addressed by email or DM.
Career development check-in. Spend time every check-in discussing your growth. Make it a recurring topic. Each 2 weeks go through your performance criteria rubric/ OKR’s and document wins/ achievements. Shows you are invested in your career. Build your case for career advancement.